Mr. Anderson is a member of American Public Works Association (APWA), an oranization of public works professionals with approximately 29,000 members nationwide. While serving on the APWA Delaware Chapter Board as Delegate, he had the opportunity to serve on the national Council of Chapters Infrastructure Finance Committee during which he authored an article (shown above) in the APWA Reporter, the APWA monthly national publication, about the work of the committee. In August, 2016, he co-presented for an education session at PWX 2016, the national annual conference, on the topic of infrastructure funding.

Mr. Anderson was the lead civil engineer on a team of 14 architects and engineers for an existing hospital project in Leogane, Haiti, the epicenter of the 2010 earthquake. The work involved the evaluation of existing civil infrastructure, suvey updates, evaluation and plans for water and wastewater utilities repair/ improvements, civil engineering support for a new building, and a presentatioin and report of the findings and recommendations.
Mr. Anderson was the lead civil engineer on a team of 5 architects and engineers for a a new birthing center project in Desarmes, Haiti. The work involved use of Geographic Information System (GIS) to develop preliminary boundary and topogrpahy information, on site survey of boundary and topographic features, on-site wastewater percolation testing, civil engineering for a new building and site facilities, and client services.
On April 14, 2018, ANDERSON CIVIL ENGINEERING (pictured 3rd and 4th from left) participated in the City of Newark Community Cleanup Day along with other members of the Delaware Chapter of American Public Works Association. (APWA). The other APWA members included representatives of the Town of Middletown, Delaware Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Control (DNREC), AECOM, and Reybold Construction.

In December 2022, ANDERSON CIVIL ENGINEERING (Tim Anderson pictured front/center) attended the American Public Works Association (APWA) national conference in Kansas City, MO. Other attendees included representative leaders of nationwide Chapters of APWA.

On June 25-26, 2019 ANDERSON CIVIL ENGINEERING (Tim Anderson pictured at right) attended a tour and educational presentations at the Gorman-Rupp plant in Mansfield, OH. Gorman-Rupp is a U.S. based manufacturer that makes quality water and wastewater pumps and systems. Others who also made the trip and pictured above include representatives of New Castle County Department of Public Works, Envirep, and other consulting engineers. Many thanks to Gorman-Rupp and Envirep for the educational opportunity and first class travel on the company's Lear Jet.